The dirndl is one of the most sophisticated garments to be found in a woman’s wardrobe. Aside from guaranteeing a dreamy silhouette, it also includes numerous details that push the wearer’s femininity into the limelight. The dirndl shows off your best side and highlights your individual beauty. They used to be a little longer in the past, but modern versions are now shorter.

There’s a huge selection of dirndls out there! There’s difference not only when it comes to the cutting, when also to the accents. Since the dirndl itself includes many details and often comes in the most colorful shades and patterns, accessories must be carefully selected. Otherwise, you might appear slightly overloaded.

Nevertheless, dirndl time is still a time of slight exaggeration. After all, your outfit should look at least a little bit extravagant! It’s important that your accessories complement your dirndl, rather than simply smothering it. Take some time to match the colours and patterns of your dress to your accessories – for example, your scarf, bag and shoes should harmonize with the dirndl. On the other hand, jewellery should stand out with its colour. Metal jewellery is especially popular at the Oktoberfest, and you’ll be sure to see bodice chains, dirndl chains and bracelets everywhere!

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