There’s nothing cuter than children’s fashion! I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one prone to letting out a high-pitched shriek whenever I spot tiny little dresses, coats and shoes. Suddenly, my motherly instincts flood through me, and I feel the urgent need to hug a child. This very same feeling overcame me the first time I saw the cute children’s trachts by Daniel Fendler. These children’s designs are perfect for the family who takes pride in their German culture.

Daniel Fendler offers a wide range of traditional outfits – tiny trachts and dirndls are miniature versions of some of his traditional but fashionable looks for mum and dad. Elegant leather and velvet fabrics are put together using established techniques, guaranteeing the highest quality possible.

With the help of Daniel Fendler, kids can dress just like their parents for the Oktoberfest. These tiny outfits look incredibly sweet!

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