The summer body is formed during the winter months – that’s at least what they say, right? Whilst that may be true, it shouldn’t make us stop working out even if summer is finally here. Tabata is a type of interval training you can actually do at the beach and that will definitely make you sweat like nothing else.

Tabata workouts usually only last for 20 minutes, but it’s likely that those will be the longest 20 minutes you’ve ever endured. Tabata is based on the high-intensity interval training system, which means that you alternate between high and low intensities during your workout. This has proven to have much more impact on both the aerobic (cardiovascular) and anaerobic (muscular) system than your normal workouts where you do cardio and strength training separately.

Structure your workout as follows:

Workout really hard for 20 seconds doing one particular exercise and then rest for 10 seconds until you have successfully completed 8 rounds. Typical exercises for Tabata are lunges, pushups, squats, sprints. Or why don’t you try out the “surfer” exercise or the “mountain climber”?

Try it out! It will be worth it!

For more exercises visit