Hello fellow beauty lovers.

If you happen to follow our magazine for a while now, you may remember a previous Hot or Not Article that dealt with little home remedies that were used to naturally bleach the teeth. Because all of those methods failed in our books, we were on the lookout for natural foods that should ameliorate the appearance of our teeth.

Yellow teeth can have intrinsic or extrinsic causes. The term extrinsic merely refers to the outer layer on our teeth. This layer can be compromised by eating or drinking the wrong kind of food or beverages. Drinks like coffee, tea, wine and cola are notorious for darkening our teeth. But foods like dark chocolate or blueberries can also make our teeth look darker than usual. Of course, smoking doesn’t do the trick either. Intrinsic causes refer to the inner structure of our teeth. Internal problems can be the main cause for yellow teeth in this case.

We however, would like to concentrate on the outer layer of our teeth and how we can lighten our teeth naturally.

Let’s begin with bananas and more specifically banana skin. The peel contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, magnesium and potassium. These substances are said to lighten our teeth provided you use the peel regularly. Just take the peel after you’ve consumed the fruit, rub it onto your teeth and kindly wait for 5 minutes before you brush your teeth. Results are said to come within the first month.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple after your meal also cleans your teeth. Apples also contain malic acid, which is known to have stain soluble agents to well, remove the stains on your teeth.

Pineapples have a similar function as it contains the enzyme bromelain. This enzyme is said to be able to dissolve proteins, which can be found in plaque. That ensures the effective removal of stains.

The best thing is that those 3 fruits are absolutely delicious. So if you were to limit the consumption of common stain enabler and replace this with foods that naturally bleach your teeth, you should be left with brighter looking choppers. Let’s be honest here, it won’t hurt to stop smoking, drinking coffee but instead eating more fruit, right?

Yours truly,

Image Rights: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananas#/media/File:Ananaspflanze.jpg by MrToto

Information Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Whiten-Your-Teeth-with-Banana-Peel, http://www.desired.de/diese-lebensmittel-lassen-ihre-zaehne-weiss-strahlen/id_68540258/index