Either you are fan of this outstanding look or you are one of those people who just get intimidated by tons of gold, silver and copper. This is understandable as this lamé look with its shimmery and louche shades often steal its wearer’s show. There are many successful labels that follow this look, including for example Each x Other or Gareth Pugh and Martin Margiela

What is crucial for the lamé look is the constant usage of glitter and glam on every layer of the outfit. Premieta Shoes is another label that presents its interpretation of lamé accessories. If you still have not become a gold digger, now you have the chance to do so.

Gareth Pugh

lame pugh 2


Marisol Henriquez

lame marisol


Each x Other

lame each x other


Otgoo Couture

lame otgoo


Sushma Patel

lame sushma


Maison Martin Margiela

lame mmm



lame menckel


Premiata Shoes 

lame premiata


Image Source: Marisol HenriquezEach x OtherOtgoo CoutureSushma PatelGareth PughMaison Martin MargielaMenckelPremiata Shoes