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Arrived. Sweaty, exhausted, tired. Where to put the clothes? Right into the hotel room. I’m staying at a hotel situated between the subway stations Diagonal and Verdaguer. Barcelona – finally. I need to continue my trip instantly since I only have one night to visit everything.

Only some footsteps from my hotel you can find the touristic center. La Rambla, once it was a channel and once it marked the borders of the city. Today it is a 1.2 km long strolling promenade, which all in all represents a wide walkway with small oneways on the left and right and ends at a tall statue in a roundabout. La Rambla is famous for its versatile shops and alleys and is full of street artists, sculptures and many historical details. It’s an unique feeling being in the midst of it.


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Fasziniert von der vielfältigen Architektur, wird sofort klar, dass hier verschiedene Künstler und Architekten am Werk waren. Epochen übergreifende Bauten stehen hier nebeneinander. Mittendrin die ein oder andere Skulptur oder auf den Boden gepflasterte Kunst, die, wie die verschiedenen Gebäude, überhaupt nicht zusammenpasst. Aber dennoch ein in sich skurriles Ganzes ergibt. Alles schreit nach Geschichte. Jeder Winkel und jede Seitenstraße will erkundet werden und es gibt auch in tatsächlich jeder etwas zu entdecken. Herkömmliche Geschäfte sucht man hier vergebens. Aber die typisch schlechten Restaurants gibt es hier wie an jedem anderen Touristenpunkt der Welt auch. Sogar vor Taschendieben wird überall gewarnt, wobei ich damit wenig Probleme hatte. Denn wer nichts mitnimmt, kann nichts verlieren.

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Being fascinated by the versatile architecture, you instantly realize that different artists and architectures worked here. Buildings of different eras stand next to each other. Here and there, you will find a sculpture or art paved on the streets, which do not harmonize with each other, at all. Nevertheless, everything results in an impressive whole. History everywhere. Each corner and each byroad wants to be discovered and there are really always interesting stories behind them. You will not find any ordinary shops, here. But the typical bad restaurants are everywhere just like at any other touristic place in the world. You also have to be careful because of pickpockets, but I actually had no problems, because if you do not bring anything with you, you can not lose anything.


A big crowd caught my attention. Everyone is holding colorful cups with drinks. I realized, I had to go there, too. When I came nearer, I knew it has to be a popular market. And in fact, it was the Boqueria Mercat. It was covered in a sea of colors and when you enter the market you will meet exotic fruits and vegetables as well as brains and skulls including eyes. Except for the canopy which made these numerous single stands a market hall in the 19th century, the rest of the 13th century remained quite similar, including the mix of different smell and various products.

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There is so much to try and you just do not want to leave the market. Anyways, I have finished and I need to go. I was here for too long.

Let us continue along the Rambla right to the beach. On the left and right, you can see a lot: a theater, souvenir shops, alleys. And a costumed person, who could be a man or woman, stands in its Marilyn Monroe costume on the balcony. Of course with a breeze of wind. Everywhere, you can spot these showmen, who demonstrate their work or talents. It is interesting to observe them. It does not seem to be bad business, because every second you can hear people throwing money into their pots.



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It has to be really exhausting for them to work under the blazing sun, but that is not my problem. Let us drink some beer? Seeing my empty stock of drinks, I realize that a lot of time has passed. Since it is nicely light and warm (30°C) here in Barcelona, you don’t notice when day is passing by. On to the beach. One might think that the “new” and “unusual” is slowly ending, but it goes like before! Whimsical shops and showmen everywhere. I even spot a stand where you can buy seeds for penis- and vagina-looking plants. I look inward for a second in order to laugh. I have never seen this before.

From afar, you discover the statue in the roundabout, near to the beach. Finish! I continue to walk with new motivation. Also the buildings stay very versatile as before. Watching and touching costs a lot of time and energy. So, let’s move on. Only passing this one street and I am there!

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It is beautiful. Cool wind, the nice air of sea. It is totally different from what you are used to from the Ostsee. It seems like I am staying forever in the roundabout. Now, I can have some time. The people here are tanned and in a good mood. You need to enjoy this feeling. I start to chat with some people in English. They were only short dialogues as many of us were on a short trip to become mesmerized by Barcelona. I realize how tired I am. Actually 1,200 meters are not a lot, but this heat and these numerous things you can experience here are way too much. I take the air-conditioned subway to head back to the hotel – fast, quite cheap and save.

I take a shower, eat something and go to bed. One of these eight ones is mine. Sharing big rooms à la Hostel with strangers is much cheaper than single rooms. Everyone else seems to be partying, but I have to go back to Berlin, tomorrow. Laying in my bed, I suddenly realize that I didn’t take a picture of the statue in the roundabout. Intended or not – now, I need a second time to come here … for a longer time of course. 😉

Image Source: Readthetrieb