The very big players lead and the big players follow: After buying Whatsapp for a whopping 18 billion US dollars, Facebook is now taking over Oculus VR with their Oculus Rift for almost 2.4 billion US dollars.

I already told you about the Oculus Rift beforehand in a Post about the first real game for this device. Amazing technology, isn’t it?

But what exactly is Facebook going to do with a gaming device? Quite a few brokers and backers have this question as well. Ultimately, the Oculus Rift was brought to life with Kickstarter  – it wasn’t some kind of wealthy investor, instead more the 9000 people who are just like you and me were the masterminds behind Oculus Rift.

Caution! It’s getting quite subjective at this part. Mark Zuckerberg claims the Oculus Rift could be the “most social platform of all time”. Let me interpret this statement: “You will never have felt more social while sitting in front of your computer with a pair of goggles, being completely isolated.” Why go to a concert or even school, if you have a friend with a camera and you can just watch it from home with your Oculus Rift!

I think it’s getting pretty bizarre from here, and that’s what the brokers and backers also think. It’s easy to determine this by looking at Oculus VR’s stock market and blog.

Even though I am pretty nerdy myself, I must admit that all these „super social“ ideas and inventions such as Google Glass and Oculus Rift make me wonder where our society is going. I mean really, how many times did you have this awkward silence at the bar or at the party when everyone was just staring at their damn smartphones?

Thanks, Mister Zuckerberg

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