You’ll need

lanvin hearts 1

 1x red polish

1x white polish

1x black polish

1,2 toothpicks


lanvin hearts 2

Step 1

Start off by painting your nails red except for your accent nail (ring finger) because this one’s going to be all white.

Step 2

With the aid of a toothpick create tiny hearts on your accent nail.

Step 3

Now we finally reached the “Lanvin” part. During the collaboration between Lancôme and Lavin, tiny comic-like hearts came into being. That look can be achieved by encasing and outlining your freshly painted hearts in black polish.


Step 4

The very best thing about this look is that you’re officially allowed to work “inaccurately” because that’s necessary to achieve the comic look.

lanvin hearts 3



See you next week, beauties.

Yours truly,


Copyright: Readthetrieb