You need:

– A basecoat
– A white covering nail polish
– A topcoat
– A container
– High percentage alcohol
– A newspaper
– A pair of scissors

How it works:

1. First, apply on a basecoat. Then cover it up with a white nail polish. Let it dry.

2. Now, take a newspaper and cut it into nail-sized pieces. The more ink , the better. It doesn’t matter which part of the newspaper you’re using since the whole thing will be mirrored on your nails.

3. Now, you need your alcohol to get the ink on your nails. I used Gin. Dip the paper pieces into a glass of alcohol and put them directly over your nails. Now, press for about 20 seconds. Be careful not to move the paper.

4. Then, remove the pieces carefully and let your nails dry. After that, apply on a topcoat to secure the print.

Here’s your newspaper nail design!

You can also use pictures or patterns for the look.


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Image source: Readthetrieb